【The Nation of Head Scissors】Fighting Liberation (English)

作品タイトル:Fighting Liberation (English)
サークル:The Nation of Head Scissors
ジャンル:学校/学園, 格闘, SM, 逆レイプ, 男性受け, 拷問
M度:4 | ![]() |
This comic is written by English
Yuuya accepted a one-on-one match with cheerleader Ryoko, a girl who attended another school.
Ryoko accepted the match as well, since she knew Yuuya by reputation and by mutual acquaintance: his rival and her older sister, Kyoko.
In the gymnasium Ryoko made quick work of Yuuya with spunky rah-rah enthusiasm.
Yuuya was completely dazzled by Ryoko’s “scent".
As it dawned on him that this match was a trap set by their mutual acquaintance, his mind and body were already adrift in flavorful suffering.
Yuuya / Protagonist
A martial arts student. Ever since his lossless streak was crushed and the video of his failure was uploaded to Youtube he’s felt like he lost his place. little by little he’s rebuilding his confidence for a fighting comeback.
Ryoko / Rank: A
A cheerleader with sex appeal that attracts both men and women, she currently attends an all-girl school, but attendedthe same school as Yuuya when they were younger. Her signature move is the Frankensteiner, an extremely difficult and acrobatic move that few have successfully pulled off in a fight. Her pin technique is the Three Point Pin (+ pheromone blast) that will make her rival want to be her lover.
Kyoko (from Fighting Gymnasium) / Rank: B
An ex-ballet ace, Ryoko’s older sister, and capable of landing a devastating blow. She doesn’t have the ability to take down Yuuya alone, but in coordination with her friend Aoba she’s unstoppable. She secretly has a crush on Yuuya. Her signature move is the Rapid Attack (Crotch) which becomes the Power Bomb when she joins with Aoba. Her pin technique is the Temptress, executed by a mid-fight change into a swimsuit and involving seductive language as well as physical strength.
Other series characters
Haruka / Rank: S
Rie / Rank: S
Aoba / Rank: B
この作品は「Fighting Liberation(RJ142568)」と内容の重複があります。
